Waitangi wahi tapu - Te Karaka Tapu:
The Official Information Act request (or LGOIMA request) to Far North District Council produced information which contradicts the information provided by Police to a similar request. The information provided by FNDC regarding the land referred to in the permit to occupy issued by FNDC to 'Hinewhare Harawire' (sic) refers to the wahi tapu (historical sacred land) which tangata whenua know to be Te Karaka Tapu as "Lot 37 DP 43842, and the whenua referred to as "The Island" as "Lot 38 DP 43842": However on the Heritage NZ website and elsewhere Te Karaka Tapu is referred to as Lot 39 DP 43842. Dun Mihaka and Katherina Raue hereby announce that a hui will be held on this whenua - Te Karaka Tapu - on 26, 27, 28 and 29 October 2018 to discuss the events that occurred on this whenua on Waitangi day 2018 involving the Far North District Council and NZ Police, and other matters. We will be holding a hui to discuss whakaputanga, kotahita...