
Waitangi wahi tapu - Te Karaka Tapu:

The Official Information Act request (or LGOIMA request) to Far North District Council produced information which contradicts the information provided by Police to a similar request. The information provided by FNDC regarding the land referred to in the permit to occupy issued by FNDC to 'Hinewhare Harawire' (sic) refers to the wahi tapu (historical sacred land) which tangata whenua know to be Te Karaka Tapu as "Lot 37 DP 43842, and the whenua referred to as "The Island" as "Lot 38 DP 43842": However on the Heritage NZ website and elsewhere Te Karaka Tapu is referred to as Lot 39 DP 43842. Dun Mihaka and Katherina Raue hereby announce that a hui will be held on this whenua - Te Karaka Tapu - on 26, 27, 28 and 29 October 2018 to discuss the events that occurred on this whenua on Waitangi day 2018 involving the Far North District Council and NZ Police, and other matters.  We will be holding a hui to discuss whakaputanga, kotahita...

Police issue first apology regarding their actions at Waitangi 2018:

Inspector Martyn Ruth has been found to have erred in his response to our challenge to the authority of him and his troops of constabulary who behaved in such a disgraceful and unlawful manner at Te Tii marae this year at the time of the annual Waitangi commemorations.  The first of his apologies is promoted by a complaint to the Ombudsmen regarding his arrogant response to the original request . Te wero Ka oho mauri ngā hōia o nga Pirihimana ka rere, ka taui - the Constabulary were surprised, and they retreated. What a load of bollocks.  We'll see what the Ombudsmen have to say about this but it's all part of the same game really - the legal game, the big gravy train, the cover up industry. Police will be issuing another apology very soon regarding the invalid notice they relied on to evict people who had every right to be on the whenua.

Waitangi Land Wars 2018 - right under our noses:

The score is two nil to Tangata Whenua in the battle against the Crown for the two pieces of land adjacent to Te Tii marae at Waitangi on Waitangi Day, which Police attempted to claim on behalf of the Far North District Council, while the politically compliant news, advertising and entertainment media studiously ignored these events in favour of providing extensive coverage to a sausage sizzle held up at the Busby residence a few hundred yards away. Behold the arrogance of the "permit" and associated correspondence divulged reluctantly by NZ Police in response to an Official Information Act request , reproduced below. So "Authorised Council Officer Dawn Underwood" is granting permission to "Hinewhare Harawire" - HARAWIRE?  HARAWIRE ???  To occupy our own land? Why is Hinewhare Harawire asking for permission to occupy this whenua from FNDC? Why isn't Hinewhare Harawire asking what the Far North District Council is doing thinking the...

Official Information Act request to Police sparks complaint to Ombudsmen:

NZ Police have responded to the Official Information Act request for all information regarding this incident . Sgt Ruth is deliberately lying in claiming that he allowed the writer to photograph the letter to trustees, he did not allow it at all and he knows perfectly well he didn't, hence this request.  Sgt Ruth knows perfectly well that a letter dated 31 January regarding an occupation license from 1 February is not allowing any time for dialogue or dissent, and makes a mockery of the idea of proper consultation. One of the administrators of the FYI site has annotated the request pointing out that Sgt Ruth's response is unacceptable, and why, and a formal complaint has been filed with the Office of the Ombudsmen. Sgt Ruth claims in the third paragraph of his response do not stand up to scrutiny. Police have provided no information whatsoever regarding any of this claimed consultation and it is extremely unlikely they would have been advised that there is no in...

Nga Pirihimana given their marching orders following 2018 Dawn Raid:

The mainstream media and the NZ Police scripted the politically correct version of Waitangi 2018 , complete with reports of a hangi that seems to have only existed in their imaginations, telling everyone that it was a huge success and everyone had a lovely time at Jacinda's sausage sizzle, and there were no problems at all.  This is nothing new. The media recently reported on "financial irregularities" involving the Waitangi National Trust, which is a completely separate organisation from Te Tii Marae, it administers the treaty grounds and surrounding area and has nothing to do with Te Tii Marae.  That didn't stop mischievous media from using stock photographs of the marae in their reports - thereby insinuating that the alleged financial irregularities somehow involve the marae. The truth is very different. Nga Pirihimana (the Armed Constabulary of 'New Zealand') were given their marching orders when they tried for the second time to evict lawful occu...